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Paleo weight loss images -

21-12-2016 à 08:28:26
Paleo weight loss images
On the other hand, all saponins are not equal, and healthy mucosa and intestinal microbiota likely strongly influence whether food saponins exert net positive or negative effects. Yeah, just the way nature intended. With daily mind-boggling achievements made in science, technology and medicine, and with an ever-expanding knowledge base that increasingly grows more esoteric and niche, it is no wonder that we often look for complicated scientific solutions to problems that really only require simple answers. It finally made sense to me when I found out I was homozygeous for MAO as to. No disrespect intended Peter, but these are ideas of people with something to sell and not real science. Of course, the occasional afternoon nap was also available when the urge hit, with no guilt about what else they really should have been doing. Our epidemics of dietary disease have prompted a great deal of research into what humans are meant to eat for optimal health. I could not eat the beans and grains and nuts needed to keep it varied enough to meet my high nutritional needs, plus, as I stated earlier, the mold in the grains was completely intolerable and I also could not keep my blood sugar level. Chimps also have 4 long sharp K9 Teeth, we do not have long sharp k9 teeth. What I do know, is that eliminating grains and legumes and eating complex carbs and lean healthy meats and fish, is that it made me realize I had not, in my entire life (68 years) ever felt good until I went off grains and beans. But, statistically speaking, that is not the case. Two, the likely departure from chimps 8 million years ago, as a result of more fat in the diet, including fish. Your assertions of the problems of grains and legumes are theories. In practice, however, you never see primitive cultures eating a vegan diet. As a result, the majority of paleo dieters only pay it lip service, while resorting to factory farmed animal products by convenience. It means capable of subsisting on both plant and animal matter. And since I have managed to do so for hundreds of people, I certainly feel good about my work. All of this may go along with the over use of antibiotics ruining our gut microbiomes and causing yeast overgrowth and other forms of dysbioses. Polar bear is carnivore but Panda bear is herbivore. When taken before food, these prebiotics works as a transport mechanism which bacteria can use. What I believe is that we should eat paleo but emphasize more greens with it and less fatty meats and more fish as I may be an anomaly with my extremely low cholesterol. To the extent that play was considered enjoyable, the net effect was to solidify social bonds and to prompt the release of endorphins (feel-good brain chemicals) and to mitigate any lingering stress effects of life-threatening situations. Actually, we are NOT designed to be omnivorous, in any way shape or form AT ALL. I have recently moved to AZ to get away from climate mold (the northeast was horribly moldy) and am hoping the dryer climate will help my system to recover enough that I will be able to add more nuts and seeds and fruits to my diet (And yes, maybe grains as well. If you think that Ashton Kuchers diet caused his hospital visit then you have some more truth seeking to do. Hi Ray, I am afraid that you are, partially, at least, misinformed. I showed you that web site because it has all the pictures in one place for your convenience. And who can say that the discovered food of the discovered people was the ideal one. i. And then, if you stayed long enough, you might finally get to see how they behave when comfortable. Yep take a ton of probiotics and have been for years (Renew life brand seems to work the best for me) but will research more some of the specific ones that your links mention but some of them I am already taking. I commented on this in an earlier video Juicing Removes More Than Just Fiber. Low fat diets have made many dieters sick and even died over time. If I still have a bad time with it I will try some of the. Most of the day, they were in the great outdoors pursuing their various survival tasks. Also yeast overgrowth might be another one of the reason for the upswing in. Vegan food is not, therefore, particularly enjoyable, not matter how basic, or creatively, prepared. If the way you wrote to me is any indication of the way you communicate with others, I hope you realize one of these days that food is entirely optional. The point is to have an evidence-based understanding of the risks and benefits of the various foods you eat. Every species on earth has a diet and the human diet is easily established and proven. Believe it or not, while many paleo dieters believe in the ideals of factory-farm-less meat, they find it difficult to sustain financially or logistically. Actually these two videos together are very powerful. If you eat a vegan diet like that you might as well stay on the SAD healthwise. The women carried their babies much of the time (hey, no babysitters in those days), as well as bundles of firewood, or whatever they had gathered, foraged or scavenged. Please. I thought this a bad idea so studied the factors that might be provoking the immune system. Long days of hunting and gathering and otherwise working hard for every bite of food also required sufficient time to repair and recover. It takes about a million years (in a species with an evolutionary velocity like ours) to make substantive changes to our digestive systems. The human diet over the last 200,000 can absolutely be measured, quantified and confirmed. I wish there was something I could say or do or some fantastic recipes I could create for you to help you feel better. Popular Posts 7 Common Calorie Myths We Should All Stop Believing The Primal Blueprint 8 Key Concepts Why Fast. You are probably paid to come here by them to push meat, dairy and eggs. Nutr Clin Pract October 2008 vol. Oh and when they went off this absurd diet their symptoms of metabolic syndrome (aka pre diabetes) disappeared. And, most importantly, it means taking control of your body and mind. ). We also see them leaner and stronger than their vegan counterparts. When we break the balance, we cause problems. You can evaluate only the DISCOVERED food of THE DISCOVERED people. This should not in dispute. These charlatans are profiting off of the information gap between them and the consumer, playing to our fears and catering to our desires. Because the cycle was not working and I could not make my. While this is a sensitive and complex topic, since you are experiencing less pleasure through food, you may be able to experience more pleasure in the bedroom. So I changed my diet and now my arthritis is gone and I use 25% less insulin than previously. In my experience, WAPF and Paleo supporters tend to list things such as phytoestrogens and phytates, which are actually health promoting. On the whole, if we ignore the edges of the bell curve, when a species follows its diet, it is healthy. Regarding evolution theory, they are a dime a dozen. For those who truly follow the Paleo Diet, they do not financially back the meat INDUSTRY, because factory farmed meat does not fit into the paleo diet. The paleo diet dogma is just a proxy for the meat industry to continue to sell their products while it has repeatedly been shown to cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke (and much more). And I convinced a great many people that they, too, should eat only plants. ). Fast forward to now, I eat 3-4 eggs per day, 1-2 servings of lean meat, healthy servings of nuts and seeds, and a good portion of raw veggies. Having said that, let me further elucidate my point about my situation with diabetes. For more on the absence of Western diseases in plant-based rural populations, see for example: One in a Thousand: Ending the Heart Disease Epidemic Dr. Most importantly they had hyperlipidemia and greater insulin resistance. I am here because I was very ill as a child and, after years of being failed by the medical and pharmaceutical industries, I solved my health issues on my own. I am not celiac but am gluten intolerant. Dried legumes also contain a lot of mold. If you are interested in this topic, you may want to check out the book, Sex on the Brain by Dr. In proper natural selection, we do not evolve traits that do not support the breaking process. Get a BB gun and eat a raw dead Robin and report back to us. And then — shock and horror — they were observed hunting. Objective Physical Evidence is overwhelming that we are NOT omnivores. e. ), and others, like me, have a diet that fits into no particular camp but works for me. I am a herbivore and have been a herbivore for over 15 years and am in good health. The data is based on my personal google search). On the other hand, take a look at this very nice outline done by Dr Greger comparing the paleo diet to vegetarian diets. From sunset to sunrise it was safer to huddle together and rest. David Jenkins tested three diets on human volunteers (himself being one of them) in a randomized crossover trial. Always scanning, smelling, listening to the surroundings, on the watch for danger, aware of what immediate action needed to be taken, whether it was running from a saber-tooth tiger, dodging a falling rock, eluding a poisonous snake, or just avoiding a careless footfall. Paleo is basically 60% fats, 20-30% protein, and 10-20% carbs from unprocessed sources. MAO gene as well, which makes me very sensitive to ferments due to the. And, of course, they will always omit the demonstrated benefits against diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. And in caves where humans have lived for many millennia, you can see the clear evidence that our ancestors were meat eaters. DMSO is not something I want to try right now given. I am dedicated to helping people achieve the health that I regard as their birthright. What the rest of the great apes ended up eating: over 95% plants. A diet based on starch foods, such as potatoes, rice, corn, and the like, has fat and protein sufficient for humans. And the basic sciences are still worth it. There is more to it but too much to go into now. Because every footfall landed at a different angle, every muscle, tendon and ligament worked and became stronger together in balance. Eating widely of many different plants keeps the individual toxins to a minimum. Sadly, for you, humans are herbivores and the decision to leave that lifestyle is just as dangerous, if not as immediate, as deciding that you no longer like drinking water. Some rely more heavily on plant-based fats but still struggle. A single meal that is high in animal fat can cause inflammation immediately in the body, leading to endotoxemia, which causes the gut lining to become leaky. All the good things in life need education, discipline, commitment. But I do believe in individual biochemistry, and that healthy diets come in a lot of different varieties. Many plant-based dishes have amazing flavors and textures and colors, but they are DIFFERENT than meat based dishes, not better tasting, necessarily. The paleo and vegan crowds should be forced into a room and held captive until they can come out with some consensus. But you punch in the results file at two other. I cannot explain the obvious pictures that are on google and all the web sites. My point (and the underlying logic) should be quite clear. So we should think that which weight losing organization is. All reversed when I went back to my vegan ways. I also cannot eat rice, corn, millet, rye, or sorghum. You might want to check your facts there Da St. Though it may be reasonable to assume our nutritional requirements were established in the prehistoric past, the question of which prehistoric past remains. If the pictures do not convince you, then NOTHING WILL. The public will wonder which is true, and start to doubt everything. I am just replying another one of your flat denials of facts. Survival (evolution as you are so interested in talking about) is about getting to the next generation. What I do know, is that eliminating grains and legumes and eating complex carbs and lean healthy meats and fish, is that it made me realize I had not, in my entire life (68 years) ever felt good until I went off grains and beans. Those guys are just quack and snake oil seller. If a vegan diet were unhealthy, I would not eat it just to spare other animals. I feel it is because they are emotionally attached to their food preferences and feel the need to justify them to appease themselves. Archaeological evidence for meat-eating by Plio-Pleistocene hominids from Koobi Fora and Olduvai Gorge. Build the Healthiest Possible Body with the Primal Blueprint. People experience this when they get into water that at first seems chilly but later is fine. How do we know it was their diet that protected them, and not something else. 9% of those genes down to us. This low level of activity prompted their genes to build a stronger capillary (blood vessel) network to fuel each muscle cell, to be able to store some excess food as fat, but also to be readily able to convert the stored fat back into energy. I really do not have toilet issues anymore unless I get exposed to. Here are some pictures of teeth and other physical evidences. Here is something I believe we can agree on. I just meant to point out that eating vegan does not necessarily imply eating healthy. Medicine as it gives me an edge in evaluating all the many (often dubious). I have nothing against chickens, but the point of my actions is my benefit. I agree that looking at biology over behavior is meaningful. It does not mean that the nutrient is unhealthful. I am still taking courses but I also gather information anywhere I can find it as new stuff is always coming out. I sure wish everyone would stop joining the latest club that adheres to what suits their taste, and listen to the message of this darn video. Yes I do take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance (which got much much lower once I. If you go around asking paleo dieters where they buy their food, they might lie to appeal to their ideals, but often times they admit outright that they just buy the same animal products they always did before. How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle A Case Against Cardio (from a Former Mileage King) All Fitness. they croaked, died, went away. This has been know for the past 5 years at least and you only posted 3 months ago. Meat or fish would never have been the basis of diet, as killing most creatures would not have been very successful. Do you know why we evolved to have cancers. Since that post, I think I remember a series of videos on the topic of organic vs not also. Within any population there may certainly be some who will have issues with any food, but to extrapolate that to the broader population is just ridiculous. On the other hand, take a look at this very nice outline done by Dr Greger comparing the paleo diet to vegetarian diets. Jan Kubat: Your post breaks the rules of this site and has been deleted. Humans eat Burnt meat with raw vegan spices because EVEN burnt meat tastes awful. Which brings me to something seldom mentioned on forums such as this: plants have native toxins. Fat, antibiotics, pesticides and hormones are not the only issue. Converted many people with my writing and speaking on the topic. And water. Our ancestors got massive amounts of vitamin C and fiber in our diets. Given the complicated nature of chronic headaches especially chronic migraines it is important to work with your health care provider(s) to find out what works for you and make sure the diagnosis is correct. Just simply stemming from common sense here. DHFR snp and more) inhibits natural killer cells. Until you grasp that, it is difficult to understand how off track western medicine is, today. I have heard about it before, but functional medicine doctors have said that they used it as a last resort, to check their patients DNA, when everything else have failed. But not getting nutrients that your body needs, also bad news. think about it. Greger has a great blog post where he puts pesticide consumption into perspective. It is extremely rare to find any animal on the planet is to be 100% carnivore or herbivore in both behavior and biology. Young females might spend time grooming each other. That has nothing to do with having a solid plant-based omnivorous diet with high quality and ethically raised meat. And they, like us, evolved to eat a lot less meat than the average person eats today. Simple Carbs on the other hand depending on ones genetic propensity to get fat, cause inflammation. If we can not eat a food raw, it is NOT an ideal food at all. The scientific consensus confuses our evolutionary specialization as plant eaters with our cultural habit as plant and meat eaters. Fugivores do not digest it and they are Herbivores (google it). There are some plant foods that are high in tyramines. Too late for my beta cells so my diabetes cannot go away but I do get greater insulin efficiency. For instance, the consumption of sugar releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone, while the consumption cow cheese contains casomorphins, which break down into morphine, an opiate. Adding in the standard American diet has scarcely been an improvement though. Indeed there are good reasons to suspect legume intake should decrease gut permeability, as polyphenols, fermentable oligogsaccharides, and resistant starch from beans modulate gut microbiota to favor beneficial strains like Bifidobacteria over pathobionts. The vegan diet lacks nothing with the exeption of B12, and that is debatable. So I added a text file that should have replaced the original. Throughout the year my great grand-mother would make homemade cheese (again, rarely. So what were we eating for the first 90% of our evolution. However, grains and legumes should be severely limited because of there effect on zonulin release which opens up the membranes of the intestines, which in turn over time can lead to autoimmune issues. (Ultimately my symptoms were due to a bad parathyroid, which has been removed). Meat was very difficult to get historically before agriculture and husbandry. (I know this both from research and first hand-experience with wild Chimpanzees. The best way we can help others is from helping ourselves. As long as you want to be right, rather than to be in possession of the truth, you will struggle. You like to talk down at people that disagree with you. Now my life goal is to help 100 million people get healthy. As is the excess consumption of just about anything. I was very gluten sensitive to the point of of having inflammatory arthritis. So when you suggest that chimps are herbivorous or frugivorous to make your argument, you are, well, wrong. The men carried heavy spears or other tools, they dragged heavy carcasses of animals they had hunted, and they moved large boulders or logs to build shelters. ALL Mammal carnivores and omnivores have 4 very very long distinguished sharp K9 teeth. When we started using weapons and tools, the need for specialized teeth and defensive nails was diminished and we are seeing them fade away. So it is not difficult to deduce, conclusively that (a) they are our ancestors and (b) what they ate. In this extended article you will find the basic building blocks needed to discover the Primal side of your life. Tens of thousands of anthropologists, evolutionary biologists, paleontologists, geneticists and others have worked for over 100 years to piece together a fairly detailed picture of all the elements that helped influence our development as a species. So, even that site were correct with their we-started-eating-meat-four-million-years-ago, that only makes the point that we are omnivores. So, no, I am not here to pedal meat, drugs, milk, eggs or anything. All it did for me was raise my total cholesterol from 117 to 218 and drop my hdl to be below my ldl. Do you think chimpanzees are accidentally getting it wrong. In fact, this may have as much to do with their pending extinction as anything else. Europe as it is done with a saliva sample in a kit they send you. It means modeling your life after your ancestors in order to promote optimal health and wellness. The inconvenient truth is that for at least several million years we have eaten a plant-based diet with meat when we could. Addresses Colitis and every sort of gut disorder that you can think of. DNA testing revealed a ton of singular polymorphisms in the methyl cycle and addressing those really helped more than just about anything else. Fatty foods triggered our pleasure centers, and vegan food does not. Sorry Martin but that assertion about the Inuit is pure fantasy. Good luck to your educational choices as well. Just like in modern times, all work and no play made Grok a dull boy. If we used to have 4 long sharp K9 teeth like all omnivores do, then how come our teeth look almost identical to herbivore teeth (specifically horse and cow). Regarding SBO (soil based organisms) I have tried and still take Kiki Body Biotics, AOR Probiotic 3 but the best have been Prescript-Assist. Just like Santa Claus, there is no way to disprove them. Only a plant based diet has, usually vegan. Most countries will have to come around eventually as the public is demanding pure unadulterated food because the public is tired of getting sick. Now I know and I do not beat myself up for it anymore. available in spanish, mandarin and tailored to India). The reason we have a sweet tooth today (dammit) is probably an evolved response to an almost universal truth in the plant world that just about anything that tastes sweet is safe to eat. Go find yourself some other AH to fooooooool. These are new discoveries that will take some time to displace the erroneous ideas about fire that exist today. Too much low quality, high fat, hormone injected rubbish meat is bad news. Just in case it helps someone: before WFPB, I used to regularly experience episodes of pain-free migraines. Human physiology is adapted for hunting (erect posture and high endurance). Unless you compare herbivorous diets with Standard American Diet meat eaters. Most studies on fats or sugars in intestinal permeability use refined products to isolate effects and reduce the chance of confounding. Food and sex effect the same neural pathways in the brain and for many reasons including blood flow, your plant-based diet should be enhancing your sexual health. We are not good at eating raw fish and raw chicken and raw rabbit and raw sparrow. Or is this simply something you have been told and have failed to investigate further. T suppressor cells, which then causes the immune response to become more. A combination of the hormonal events that occurred simultaneously and the resultant gene expression within fast twitch muscle made sure that the next time this happened Grok could sprint a little faster. Grains and legumes are a crucial part of a health-promoting diet, as has been shown in thousands of scientific articles over the past several decades. They were pushed to a life of bamboo eating that will either, over time, force them to evolve new biology or become extinct. Either way, however, many individual animals have and will suffer from malnutrition in the process. As soon as I changed diet those events became history. Kay R: Diets of early Miocene African hominoids. Some cultures like eskimos lived much longer and their diets were primarily fat. Sometimes we tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Humans are omnivores in the sense that our bodies are designed to be so flexible that in times of emergency we can eat and digest animal products to survive. Most of the meat they eat is raw termites and insects. This observation is likely due to the limitation of (plant) foods available to those cultures which could provide them essential nutrients In terms of getting satisfactory essential nutrients, one needed access to animal foods, especially in the colder climates where there vegetable growing was limited. A favorite citation by polemicist Gary Taubes has to do with Vilhjalmur Stefansson who with Karsten Andersson went on an all meat diet for a year. Right around the same time that fossil evidence shows us the first examples of bone disease, dental issues and other health problems. And, lastly for now, as chimps are omnivores, as were early hominids, check out their teeth. I went vegan for a month at the advice of one doctor because of fatty liver, went in for a blood test and most of the inflammatory markers sky rocketed. Our ancestors required an acute sense of self-preservation matched with a keen sense of observation. Also see Exhibit B, pictures of Jaws were omnivores K9 teeth ZigZag out of their jaws when mouth is closed. How long do you think we have been messing with the environment exactly. Dean Ornish eggs evolution fiber fruit greens heart disease high blood pressure hypertension low-carb diets meat Mioscene nutrition myths nuts paleolithic diets plant-based diets pork prehistoric diets Pritikin seeds stroke trans fats Twinkies vegetables. A true Paleo diet discourages the standard factory farmed meats which is the meat industry. Technically, however you are correct regarding that we are not Herbivores. You can do the same (dung included, since you bring it so often into discussion). Here, may I introduce you to your canines, or as you call them the K9 teeth (or their evolutionary adaptation)(Speaking of dogs, or pigs, their teeth are proportionally similar to humans. I think it helps if people are given realistic expectations and support in their changes. Which is I guess what you have tried, because it is the most promoted one, but in my case also the most effective one. Preformed Vitamin A has been shown to cause toxicity, and the carotenes are way less toxic. I am not necessary against it tho, for cases like the above poster, as transitional foods. That Ashton Kucher thing can be nothing other, IMO, than a psychosomatic event or a contrived promotional stunt for the USDA or other interested parties. And when you suggest that we were frugivores until 4 million years ago there are two MAJOR problems with this suggestion. You see, the lack of complex proteins, B2 and various nutrients you should be getting from the very occasional intake of animals products is already impacting your mind. First it was plaque psoriasis and then my beta cells failed. There are things that we can not hear for the same complex set of reasons. As it seems you have had your problems since birth, so you should probably take all the unfair advantages (there is a supplement from Dave Asprey called this, I like the name, so I used it here) you can, regarding health. One website without any scientific base funded by vegan activists is not evidence, your belief is no evidence. Overwhelming and amazing stuff at the same time. The day I realized that we were omnivores was, well, a hard day in my life. False, Paleo diet is not the same as Dr Atkins diet. Next time you visit your dentist, ask him to explain to you your teeth. The other point is that for most folks it is a journey. You can get genetic testing through the website 23andme. I think it is a good starting point for what is to come. So I ask the same question, that no vegetarian wants to answer. My energy levels now are high and steady throughout the day. Your theories are superstitious beliefs and you do have an agenda of promoting meat, dairy and egg industry. That is why I like the monthly 21 Day Kickstarter programs from PCRM (i. Largely because most cat food is packed full of things that carnivores should not be eating. If you wish you can take a look at my table (I did it a long time ago. You may already have a pretty fair understanding of how the human genome evolved to exactly where it is today (or 10,000 years ago, to be more precise) based on the environmental and behavioral factors under which our ancestors lived through natural selection. I have had more than one friend go on the paleo diet. Robert, are you arguing facts here or is this more of a Monty Python kind of thing. Also our molares are very different to those found on herbivores, also, humans have canines, which is something what herbivores does not have too. And we suffer more sickness and disease than any other species on earth. Regarding Cellulose, again not all Herbivores can digest it. You are using arguments — bb guns and robins — that rely entirely upon your conditioning and not upon your instincts or your dietary requirements as a member of sapiens. Would you mind listing a few of the plant toxins you are most concerned with. That is another great way to learn the best classification for humans. Yet, most people also know that most cats love to snack on grass. We have had control of fire for at least 2 million years. , anatomically, behaviorally, genetically, and evolutionarily), who frequently kill and eat other mammals (including other primates). Great book. They are not necessarily healthy but are much better than the foods they replace when looked at from a health, environment and animal suffering viewpoint. The Garden of Eden--plant based diets, the genetic drive to conserve cholesterol and its implications for heart disease in the 21st century. So in fact, according to your definitions, even the herbivores are not herbivores, right. Russian Choice Immune is on the way in the mail, but should be the same or a bit less effective than Del-Immune V. And air. And I think that in addition they are not looking at anything with any scientific standard. The majority of early health benefits are attributable to elimination of processed foods. ALL Herbivores can eat a little raw meat (cows in concentration factories are fed fish pellets and slaughterhouse waste meat products since word WW 2). The consumption of legumes are not associated with long life spans. They have solid bone density, lean body-fat ratios and very large K9 teeth that likely have more to do with fighting with one another than their diet. What people (and our genetic line) has done for millions of years is behavior, yes. Both foods have high levels of tryramine when ripe. But there are nutrients that we have evolved a dependance upon and, sadly, some of those come from animal products. I think some supplements are useless and other even toxic (as you can find out on this site). Whether you like the outcome of that or not. Do not lie and be ignorant to yourself as most vegans are. Sorry to read about your chronic headaches but happy to read about your other successes. Turns out the heterocyclic amines, IGF-1, TMA, molecular mimicry, various animal sourced excess amino acids et al are all associated with provoking the immune system. The best lysate have been hands down the Del-Immune V. You have described the problem both more eloquently and accurately than I did. While we have had control of fire for, say, two million years, the cooking of plants is a fairy new concept. How can you possibly know if our ancestors reached their highest possible potential. Transcript: The Problem with the Paleo Diet Argument. Look, Ray, we will probably never agree on this and, frankly, I wish I was on the wrong side of this. Three, Dr. Go read Gary Taubes work, he touches on every single study out there in the past 60 years. I think that the more new whole plant foods you try with different tastes and textures, the more helpful it can be. I started, over 20 years ago, as a devoted vegan. But many are looking for more of what the Primal Blueprint has to offer. They eat plants on purpose and insects by accident. And pigs go even further, their organs are interchangable with human organs). Cattle are injected with B12 today in modern times because the soil is depleted of B12 today. And if you are in a moral delimma about killing animals, read the books by Stephen Buhner, such as The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature. Or they truly have different metabolic responses, perhaps. But, here is my undertaking to you: This will become very clear to you over the next 20 years. Lastly, good for you for going for your 3 12 year BS in nutrition. Katherine Milton has written a number of thought-provoking papers on the lessons we can learn from wild howler monkey diets, and these are great, also. Our physiology clearly points out we are omnivores. You may also enjoy the book, Breaking the Food Seduction by Neal Barnard, MD. And you are still avoiding the fact, our organs are interchangable with OMNIVORUS pig organs. Scientific research is just cherry picked data which is why the studies of the past 60 years trying to promote vegan, low fat, and whole grain diets have failed miserably. First 3 months, eat only vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Moreover, we find repugnant the sight of dead animals. Sugar causes cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and much more. The specialists in human anthropology and mammalian digestion classify us as plant eaters. When withdrawing from anything you go through a time period which in the case of food can last up to 3 weeks but is usually shorter. Popular Posts How to Personalize Primal Blueprint Fitness 5 Ways to Get the Most Bang for Your Workout Buck Are Bodyweight Exercises Alone Enough. org account or with one of the accepted social media logins. The males might also practice spear- or rock-throwing for accuracy or chase small animals just for sport. Popular Posts How to Personalize Primal Blueprint Fitness 5 Ways to Get the Most Bang for Your Workout Buck Are Bodyweight Exercises Alone Enough. Developing a taste for war and meat is not the same thing as determining optimal diet from anatomy and various studies. And then, with further study, it became VERY clear that chimps were both effective hunters and ate more than occasional meat. Sunlight: The negative feedback mechanism of tanning ensures the proper amount. And than Kutchner did it (method acting) and had to be rushed to hospital when his pancreas shut down. Hope the above info helps you, or at least anyone that reads it. You can also take B12 from animal products, but the consumption of animal products is associated with a lot of health problems. There is no refuting that people who follow a strict paleo diet see all their health markers improve. Tyramine is a normal breakdown product of the amino acid Tryptophan. Our keen senses of smell and taste also helped us sort out the good from the bad. You can eat french fries and processed meat substitutes within a white burger bun and wash it all down with a big gulp of Coke. I plan to retry it again in a few months. Even before guns, we had pushed more than 90% of the large animal species (land and water) into extinction by eating them. It will always find one thing, and tomorrow it will be the reverse. D J Jenkins, C W Kendall, A Marchie, A L Jenkins, P W Connelly, P J Jones, V Vuksan. The only reason that happened is because I stopped going vegan and started adding eggs and saturated fats back in. I am 100% Herbivore and will always be so. W C Roberts, We think we are one, we act as if we are one, but we are not one. Nutrition, and other Nutrition Therapy disciplines from both the US and UK. I wonder if many of the people who say that vegan food is just as delicious as animal based food are not talking about healthy whole foods, but instead are talking about processed vegan versions of animal based recipes using oil, sugar and meat analogues. So paleolithic man ate a diet with a little meat occasionally and massive amounts of vegetation (which is why paleolithic man consumed massive amounts of fiber). BOTH vegans and meat eaters have to supplement B12. As someone who cannot get near wheat, I kind of tire of those who try to tell me that it is not a problem. You seem to be determined to demonstrate your lack of knowledge with that assertion. Pre modern Inuit tended to live no more that 53 years, had accelerated osteoporosis, excess kidney disease and numerous strokes. They also lifted themselves into trees or up onto higher ground when escaping from danger or to scout a new route. If you are a genuine person and not a USDA troll, then you will have to make a better case. You can also search on you tube for cow eating a live chicken or a deer eating a raw bird. If they have the science behind them they should not be afraid to present it. Every single study out there has either proved them wrong or had no effect (with most proving them wrong). 5 464-467. HOW NOT TO DIE: New York Times Best Seller. Some get in serious trouble for it but many more just manage to stay off the radar. As the editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Cardiology noted 25 years ago, no matter how much fat and cholesterol carnivores eat, they do not develop atherosclerosis. Do you realize the nuts and seeds in that 3rd diet mask the results. I tend to refer to my diet as plant-based rather than vegan since I started and continue to eat this way because of my health. That is interesting, but probably about 5 million years late. I had one patient that peanuts were a trigger, another was meat tenderizer. Also, animal protein is damageable wild or not. Milton K, Nutritional Characteristics of Wild Primate Foods: Do the Diets of Our Closest Living Relatives Have Lessons for Us. In line with Dr Forrester, my allergist suggested I try eliminating overly ripe banana and avocado. Quinoa, even when it is soaked, creates great digestive pain in some people as a result of high saponin content. Your theories are superstitious beliefs and you do have an agenda of promoting meat, dairy and egg industry. I do agree that keeping simple sugars out of the diet is a good idea. I did try a soil probiotic supplement recently that is highly recommended and did not do well on it at all.

Robert, I have been at this for 20 years, the first 7 of which was vegan. day to 3-4. My great grand-mother had a huuuuge garden will so much greens, roots and fruit trees. Open your mouth, look at the third teeth from the middle. That is incorrect, REAL science has proven that humans are evolutionary herbivores and eating animal products leads to disease in humans who are designed to eat primarily plants. Fibre is vital to help move food through the intestines. Again, thanks for links, and also for your balanced posting. Ray, humans are omnivores: what is so difficult to recognize it. I explaineed we have canines (mine are about 3-4mm shorter than my dogs), you have them in your own mouth, and I dare you to deny it. Yes, I get it, I know you did not go mad just by your posts. To summarize: Just like cats are carnivores, when it comes to primates you have to look at biology not behavior to be able to have categories with any meaning. Also, if you have leaky gut, you should eliminate the condition, although you probably have already checked that out. Sadly, for you, humans are omnivores and the decision to leave that lifestyle is just as dangerous, if not as immediate, as deciding that you no longer like drinking water. John McDougall, MD also gives a nice synopsis of the populations of people having lived on mostly a vegetarian diet and has the references for your perusing at the end. This is easier with a lower frequency of headaches where you have longer asymptomatic periods. I eat plant SOS free and my body rewards me by healing and feeling amazing everyday. Funny, I am a human too and have not had meat based food (burnt meat with vegan spices) for over 10 years and have no craving for meat, dairy or eggs whatsoever. You should be able to find a good low tyramine on line. org and you will see which lifestyle is best for long health and life. Jan Kubat: I think you are missing key points. Modern day hunter gatherers maintain strength and health often well into their 80s. The excess consumption of low quality animal products is tied to so many health problems. But I might have been having some really bad days, so I am going to. The word Vegan does imply non-violence towards other creatures in addition to eating plant foods. Would be interesting to know what your LDL-P numbers are. All over journals and TV are Advertisements and for-profit scientists that try to sell you meat, dairy and eggs. Also: Paleo life expectancy at birth was not great (30s maybe), but paleo life expectancy at 15 was easily in the 60s. We overlook the simplicity and ease with which we could all be achieving exceptional health and fitness. How about saponin content in some beans and seeds somehow causing intestinal permeability. My doctor prescribed methotrexate to suppress the immune system. That said, the site is full of completely incorrect information and badly-made and emptionally-fueled arguments. Combine the above information with the information you learn here on NutrtionFacts. No, You are like Hitler and Trump combined into one big LYING CHIMP. they had only one cow), and eggs from the chickens. Atkins is eat however much meat you bloody well want from any source because it has little effect on your insulin. I was very reluctant to take a B12 supplement but after much reading, my understanding now is that if you are vegan, you should take a B12 supplement. Over 45 years ago as a teenager, I consumed ample meat and began exhibiting auto immune problems. If the paleo people were really serious about their health, they might consider a diet based on a much earlier time, about 5 MYA, before we diverged from the great apes. My research has included a multi-disciplined approach that has taken me all over the world to, among other things, live with nomadic hunter-gathers and to visit with wild chimpanzees. Yes, Prescript Assist was indeed the SBO supplement that I tried. The second was starch-based with more fruits and vegetables. Other foods, especially meats and cheeses do too. And yes on an all flesh diet they were getting elevated blood sugar that was coming from a combination of insulin resistance and glyconeogenesis. I find both the vegan and paleo camps to be very judgemental and both sides unwilling to look at any data that does not support their belief systems. It falls down to what is said animal able to digest. I learned that certain foods including meat, cheese, sugar and chocolate do indeed stimulate pleasure centers in the brain. Africa bacon blood pressure brains butter cancer cardiovascular disease cheese chicken China cholesterol chronic diseases diabetes Dr. As I personal anecdote I might add that eating a whole food diet supplemented with pre- and probiotics, polyphenols, HUFAs and vitamin D resolved all of my food allergies, and that had been quite a few. Then it goes into a factory to get slaughtered sloppily, cruelly, and filthily. Our closest relatives among the apes are the chimpanzees (i. I also do not care if chimps or gorillas are herbivores or not, that proves nothing, same as not having a one sharp teeth means nothing in this sense. 23 no. Which brings me to something seldom mentioned on forums such as this: plants have toxins. I am presently looking at an Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine from. If this article intrigues you be on the look out for a much more thorough explanation of how we can learn from our past to shape and mold our future. Oh yeah, my doctor had serious problems understanding that diet had cured the arthritis without the drugs. Largely fruitarian, definitely plant-based, with upwards of 5-10% of their diet coming from animal sources. We also have, on average, the optimum auditory range. ). I can eat the pseudo grains, quinoa and buckwheat, thankfully. Even the vaguest presence of logic would make this clear to you. It is nice to see that you have that many options regarding where to take your education around the world. There is nothing that is as enjoyable in the plant-based spectrum. Several food components demonstrably increase intestinal permeability in animal and human models, notably fats, excess fructose, and alcohol. Congratulations on having the genetics to eat eggs and meat and maintain low cholesterol. The non scientist Gary Taubes is a pretty good polemicist and good money maker. You are probably paid to come here by them to push meat, dairy and eggs. If the demand for grass feed goes up the industry will follow. (Something I am still proud of because being vegan is healthier than eating the Standard Western Diet, even if it is wrong. I have gone much longer than he did and was healthier and stronger than ever. You can use the bell-curve to make your argument, if you like, but you will be wrong. We also have a variety of drugs which can be helpful but I always felt best about having the patient avoid triggers and minimizing medication. By other words: your body does not give a shit about what you are eating as long you get needed dose of nutrients. I also do not regret one bit all my Certificates and Diplomas in Herbal. She was healthy with all her own teeth in her mouth to her last days. Please consider volunteering to help out on the site. For me, I found certain transition foods to be very helpful as well. I my home country, some 1-2 centuries ago, when people lived just from food they grew alone, monks in monasteries had to eat beans EVERY DAY, every meal. This disease of affluence came with a high meat and fat and low vegetable diet. The fact of the matter is the consumption of legumes are associated with long life spans. Yep, totally based on familiar taste and textures and based on EMOTIONAL attachment, not reality. I just wanted to say that on this website we try to stick with what the research has been shown to be true. And nuts also are often very moldy but it may not be just the mold that is the reason that I cannot eat them. It was believed for a long time, that Chimps were herbivores or frugavors. Clearly, you must see that we are not pure herbivores. I changed my diet 13 years ago, initially to lose weight and it was a challenge at first. This phenomena is rarely, if ever, acknowledged within the plant-based community, and I (and friends) find this lack of acknowledgement frustrating. If you want to talk about a messenger, go read Gary Taubes work. So the higher the calorie foods, the better. JustMe2013: I feel like you keep making my point for me. Paleo is based on the false theory evolution. Also do look into seeing if you have methylation gene snps. The best part is, the fat in the liver was reduced 85% after 10 weeks. Some people have such a huge response to insulin the carbs in broccoli can start the insulin surge. My alternative physicians did not know if I would even live let alone get better and I figured out that if I did want to live, the only one who was eventually going to help myself was me, so I went back to school in both the UK and US by distance learning to study nutrition, biochemistry, herbalism, methylation issues and the like. He even points out ones popular doctors of today like Dr Greger completely fail to take into account, other causing factors in the studies. I swapped doctors, and the other told me (thankfully), that vegan was the absolute worst thing someone can do with fatty liver. Terry Wahls come to mind getting herself out of a wheel chair, and putting her MS into remission with a paleo diet. They are empty calories and will provide a gratuitous excess oxidative load without the antioxidants necessary to counter that load. They seem all to outperform wheat and other corn based products. Longterm saponin excess is the one thing that worries me about quinoa and too many seeds, some beans, and nuts. As to your semantic argument about the naming of herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores etc. There are also delicious vegan burgers (made from seitan) that have double the amount of protein of regular steak. I use both low level exercise and wind sprints. Of course you will be selecting pictures that visually backs your argument. I thought of another way to explain it: Everyone I know agrees on one thing: Cats are carnivores. We are omnivores in the sense that we CAN eat animal products, not that we MUST eat them. We can hunt and kill and cook which enabled safer meat eating. We would also be the only single unique one herbivore in known universe without flat molars. They are the most effective non-human land animals on earth. An omnivore is suited to eating both plant and animal products. However, the magnitude of these differences are actually quite marginal, and the overall health benefits pale in comparison to more plant based alternatives. I think a book like this one will give you good suggestions. Even after two years, I long for the genuinely mouth and brain and tummy satisfying experience of a good meat-based meal, complete with unhealthy fats. We would be the only single unique one herbivore in known universe to have canines. We can even soy products without dying right away. With this simple strategy, you will forever be able to examine or evaluate any food choice, any form of exercise or any other behavior in the context of how it impacts your genes. OK Timar that is, to me a fascinating point. And passively agressively repeating my arguments in order to try prove something is also not helping. Yeah and I agree with the clean, whole food bit. From start of human tract: humans have canines (which any herbivore does not), humans have not flat molares (which every herbivore does), humans have acidic enviroment in stomach (which herbivores does not) humans have not functional apendix (which herbivores does), humand does not have enzymes to process cellulose (which I already stated, and which herbivores does). You can touch them, to be ENTIRELY shure. The only foods humans can eat raw in Excess without getting ill are raw fruits, vegetables and nuts. Dr Atkins diet allowed for processed foods, paleo does not. The biggest alarm was the fatty liver got worse. resolved SIBO. It depends on many factors from genetics to what the mothers diet was like through gestation. You keep talking about how humans have always eaten bla and bla. (Promoters exploit an infamous half truth — refined carbs are bad — that leads people to the harmful, fallacious and invalid conclusion that all carbs are therefore bad. Also, I am not interested in being right, I am interested in being in possession of the truth. I did not become a vegan for the health of the chickens, but for my health. It halfed my toilet visits from 7-8 pr. The only place I have found where you can buy it in the world, without having a doctor. Both should take multi-vitamins at least a few times a week especially the elderly and pregnant women regardless of belief or diet. It not only promotes it, but makes it worse. There are many meat eaters who have B12 deficiency, because of absorption problems. I need to add something to the comments following yours. A lot of hard work that will pay off in the end. So instead of going for a degree that would include nutrition, anatomy and. When food was plentiful, they ate more than they needed (and stored the excess as fat). Of course, they did all this without the benefit of paved sidewalks or comfortable shoes. Each of the conditions you mentioned are the results of evolutionary processes that support the breeding of the species. And, like it or not, meat crossed that particular rubicon long before we were even standing properly on two feet. It was the most juvenile bunch of ad hominem attacks I may have ever seen. Sometimes, at first, whole plant foods do, indeed, taste kind of boring compared to meat, dairy, eggs and sugar, but if you are really motivated, like we are, you push through that withdrawl period. Billions of people around the world also smoke cigarettes. Eating widely of many different plants keeps the individual toxins to a minimum. Popular Posts 7 Common Calorie Myths We Should All Stop Believing The Primal Blueprint 8 Key Concepts Why Fast. The evidence on plant based diets in the promotion of health and disease prevention is vast and has stood the test of time over many years of research (much of which you will find on this web site). So I suggest that they are still herbivores. In most cases a few lifestyle adjustments are all that are needed to address all but the most serious of these genetic variations. Now we have all sorts of people that cannot tolerate various. I have had problems taking most prebiotics but when taking Bimuno and raw potato starch first thing in the morning, I think I have had succes moving bugs to my large intestine aka. The evidence on plant based diets in the promotion of health and disease prevention is vast and has stood the test of time over many years of research (much of which you will find on this web site). But glad you have taken charge of you health, as this is the way to go. Omnivores canine teeth zigzag across each when they close their mouth. So potentially meat fish etc rots within your body. They hide the inflammation while the amount of fiber in that diet is pro inflammatory. We are in fact herbivores based on our biology. Popular topics Alcohol Carbs Dairy Fats Fermented Foods Grains Gut Health Protein Resistant Starch Sugar Supplements. They do taste good, but they still taste different than dishes with meats or fats. On the other hand, if the food only exists — say in the case of potatoes — in a place where there were no humans, I think we are pretty safe in our assumptions. Wow, thanks for the links of Bimuno and the rest. Dietary recommendations must be put to the test. To post comments or questions into our discussion board, first log into Disqus with your NutritionFacts. This is known as type one diabetes and unlike type two diabetes, can only be cured with an unknown magical process that will cause them to regenerate. I found the paleo response to plant positive to be fascinating. 5% of their diet. I suggest you search for protein in plant foods. At the same time the added pesticide consumption could cause up to 10 extra cancer cases. ). My weight dropped, heart rate dropped, health drastically improved, all the markers are now normal. Popular topics Alcohol Carbs Dairy Fats Fermented Foods Grains Gut Health Protein Resistant Starch Sugar Supplements. I suspect that that could be the best diet (including a relatively small amount of meat) but is there solid evidence that it is so. Just from your posts, I have no doubt that you will use your degree very well. Anecdotally, you might be aware that Steve Jobs tried that. I am very sorry, but I gave you actual hard evidence located even in your own body, backed with science, evolution and actual medical and scienticic facts (and no, your argument, that WHOLE SCIENCE AND MEDICINE is financed by meat industry, is invalid and not backed by any evidence whatsoever. Outlying behavior, like in this case snacking on grass, is irrelevant to picking a category. Show me science journal, studies and articled disproving evolution, and I will believe you. More to your point, with that last point considered, I think the meat industry has a lot to do with this, as they clearly had with other low-carb trends in decades past. I also find out I have snps on the gene that. The pancreas can take way more abuse than a clean diet. I use both low level exercise and wind sprints. If you were to click the links to the studies you will see that the studies on gut permeability found that diets high in animal fat (butter and lard, for example were used in the two of the studies) caused gut permeability to increase. About 10 years ago I developed inflammatory arthritis. I converted hordes of people. They make incremental changes that work for them and those around them. I am tired of science chopping the food to its atoms trying to find how it affected the body. Those large teeth are far more likely to be about fighting amongst themselves. By that argument, humans are just carnivores, not even omnivores. I found each person was a bit different and it can be dose dependent. :). Perhaps 0. The information on the page is pretty clear. Eggs would have only been eaten during bird egg laying season for about 6 weeks in any year and also eaten raw if found. On the contrary, the saturated fats found in animal products promote leaky gut (among other chronic diseases). I mean common, you can fool the rest of us, but can you fool yourself. When a species first starts eating a good that species, at best, may stave starvation with that new food by scoring some unconventional calories. I was just responding in the same manner. like Wahl that are paid for and work for meat, dairy and egg industry. I think the jury is still out on exactly what we should or should not eat and at the end of the day it may boil down not to what we eat but how much of what we eat which is the deciding factor. Advanced atherosclerosis and osteoporosis have been found in frozen mummies of young women of 20 and 40 that were more than 400 years old. If they are better nourished, have less disease and live longer on one or the other then you have an answer about what is the best diet for humans. Australia which is a 3 year Advanced Diploma with the option of one last. While others can eat a ring ding can be fine. And we know where sapiens lived at the start and since that 200,000 year period. Cats, and also dogs are not able to digest grass, they are eating it to clear out their digestive system. Regular exposure to sun provided lots of vitamin D, an all-important vitamin which they could not easily obtain from food and which their bodies could not manufacture without direct sunlight. ). And, again on average, the optimum amount of memory. Most of the meat they eat is insects (termites) and they kill for cultural, group domination (like human warfare) and sexual reasons. e. Next 3 months eat only processed foods, next 3 months, go paleo, eat 60% of your calories in fats (nuts seeds, avocados and saturated fats, but no vegetable oil fats), 20-30% in proteins (poultry, beef, fish), and 10-20% in carbs (vegetables only with little fruits). We are more closely related to chimps than we are to bonobos or, even, than bonobos are to chimps. If no, then you should check it out to see if it could be a complementary adjunct for helping you, as it does so much good for the body. We have K9s in NAME ONLY and they are NOT pointy. Missing long sharp canine teeth means nothing, many mammalian omnivores or carnivores do not have them (mouse, dolphin). The average non-meat eater will fare better than the average meat-eater. Also not being American, even people that are omnivores from our area are better off than people in the SAD. When times were scarce, they survived on fat stores. It has been shown repeatedly that your beta cells will handle complex carbohydrates that are necessary for life if you do not have an abundance of advanced glycation end product (primarily source from cooked meat), saturated fatty acids from those animal products you recommend and excess animal sourced amino acids. ). It is an outstanding business model, but terrible science. I think the reason you have a craving is lack of protein in your vegan diet. Another of the studies referenced found that a lack of micro-nutrients (fruits and vegetables) resulted in hepatic inflammation. I went with a WFBBD and the gluten problem has all but disappeared. We are not able to process fibre, we do not spread seeds from fruit, we do not need fibre in order to survive. There is never, not in 5 million years, been a successful multi-generational population of vegetarian humans (or human ancestors). herbivores to you. At least a perfunctory knowledge of biochemistry is defiinitely useful here. Moreover, there simply is not enough space on earth for everyone to eat pasture raised livestock, period. I guess we each have our own journey, but you are very strong and are doing the right thing in caring for your health. Our mold sensitivities are exquisite and we suffered from candida overgrowth for decades without knowing how it was making us so ill. In fact, decades of scientific evidence have demonstrated that humans have no biological need to consume flesh, eggs or dairy products. And have been shown to reduce inflammation and neuronal degeneration and as a possible help in reduction of many forms of cancer. The essence of the Primal Blueprint is this: Most of life is really much simpler than modern medicine and science would like to have you believe. Factory farmed or not, it all come back to the same. Is it meat or is it all the garbage injected and fed to the meat. Therefore eliminating animal products and eating a balanced whole foods plant based diet can and usually will cure type two diabetes provided the beta cells have not deteriorated beyond repair. So what did we adapt to make make us better meat eaters. Doug Lisle discusses this in the book he coauthored with Dr. There are two essential fats: Omega-3 and omega-6. I get emails every day from people who are changing their lives for the better by following the guidelines I outline on this site. For example, most herbivores, as you so nicely pointed out, eat some insects. I think for me and many people the changes in wheat are part of the problem but the other problem is MOLD. For most of human evolution, cholesterol may have been virtually absent from the diet. I have since found I can enjoy small amounts of these if they are not too ripe. The industry sells what consumers want or believe they want. Additionally the program provides excellent practical and factual information. See Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation for more information. As humans we are very well adapted for survival and can survive for very long periods of time on just about any edible source of nutrition. This diet provided all the necessary fuel and building blocks that, along with specific exercise, prompted their genes to create strong muscles, enabled them to expend lots of energy each day moving about, to maintain healthy immune systems, to evolve larger brains and to raise healthy children. Except that as a vegan, on average, you will stand 4 inches shorter than a meat eater. Eliminating grains and legumes that cause leaky gut. I have done both often without any ill effects at all. What I find disconcerting about paleo promoters is their total disregard of the preponderance of science. Hunter-gatherers have always generally worked fewer hours and have had more leisure time than the average 40-hour-plus American worker. Many people go for the RD degree in the US, swallow what they have to swallow in in terms of bad nutrition advice, and then go on to use the degree to do the kind of nutritional counseling that they know is right anyway. Non-factory meat is a fraction of a fraction of the meat available anywhere. Not to mention our polluted air and environments. So many people have such severe mold and food ensitivities these days. That observed behavior, snacking on grass, does not make cats omnivores. There are plenty of those that taste very similar to their animal-based counterparts and I think they can help some people through the transition period of withdrawl. ). The NutritionFacts community is interested in the optimum diet for health and healthy long life. The Paleolithic period represents just the last two million years of human evolution. Do that study yourself and I guarantee you, you will find your last 3 months the best you will have ever felt. Hunter-gatherer cultures all over Africa hunt and eat birds at will because they have not been subjected to propaganda designed to make them feel guilty about it. Taking his paleofantasy recommendations on diet would be akin to taking recommendations to go play in the traffic. We are really Frugivores as the research shows. A slice of 68g of beef liver has %DVs of 431% vitamin A, 137% Riboflavin, 60% Niacin, 800% Vitamin B12, and other important minerals. Disclaimer: I have no financial stake in promoting my ideas. This is the basic description of everything our ancestors ate to get the protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phenols, fiber, water and other nutrients necessary to sustain life. There are things that we can not see, because to see them would either not support our survival and breeding or, even, might interfere with our ability to breed. Paleopoo: What We Can Learn from Fossilized Feces. But if the species becomes dependent upon that food then that food moves past useful to necessary. The Miocene diet is likely to be much more health-promoting. Leaf cutter ants, for example, have almost no genetic variance from ant-to-ant or colony-to-colony, even on different islands. Well, Ray, I think our time together has come to an end. We know that they must eat somewhere close to a kilogram of insects, fish, grubs and larvae every day. Meat was luxury, and rich people died young of gout and obesity, because they ate meat and dairy every day. NONE. Balance. It is in many foods especially processed foods. Ironically though, when we examine all of the many environmental influences and behaviors that shaped our genome, we arrive at a very simple list of general